Alexandra Sagorz-Zimmerl

Breath. Strength. Integrity. Spirit.

“For me, yoga means fully embracing what is right now, even when it gets uncomfortable and challenges arise. Getting on the mat is not an escape from life, but a conscious immersion in your own vitality.”

Forrest Yoga Guardian and Mentor Teacher Alexandra (she/her) has been inspiring a steadily growing community of people for almost two decades. Her intention is to give her students the best possible experience in class, which means finding balance between challenging them and keeping them safe, finding their own potential. Besides her various studies in human energetics to broaden her expertise, she is a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, a body-oriented approach to resolve trauma & other stress disorders.

Her teachings are a gift of grounding experience and right on the spot. You can expect clear and precise directions and hands-on–assists, to feel more aligned and home in your body. She shares a positive attitude and optimism and would name herself a very resourceful person.




