Wolfgang Wehner

Wolfgang Wehner was born in May 1963 and recognized very early the love of music, especially the drums. He studied jazz at the Vienna Conservatory of Music and looks back on a long career as a drummer in various bands. He received the World Music Award in Monte Carlo in 1992 together with a very successful Austrian band, and was for 7 years the drummer of the best musical orchestra in Europe, the VBW, Vereinigte Bühnen Wien.

In 2010 he founded jazztrio.at, his own formation. Since 2009 he plays the Hang. With the gentle sounds of the slope he already accompanied some yoga classes during the Mountain Yoga Festival St. Anton last year and we are happy that Wolfgang will be there again this year. He has been studying Buddhism for more than 10 years and in 2012 was technical director of the last Austrian tour with SH 14. Dalai Lama.


